Quality Systems Compliance named one of the Top Ten Medical Device Consulting Companies in 2023 by MedTech Outlook. Quality Systems ...
Quality Systems Compliance, LLC will help you achieve and maintain quality compliance, while meeting deadlines and containing costs. If you plan and implement your quality system correctly, it doesn't have to be expensive to be in a state of compliance. In fact, implementing your quality system correctly the first time can reduce risk and liability. With the assistance of Quality Systems Compliance, LLC, you'll implement a QUALITY SYSTEM plan that will make you compliant as well as profitable!
Quality Systems Compliance LLC was founded in 2012 by Mark Allen Durivage. He saw an opportunity to serve the needs of businesses working in the FDA Regulated Industries including Medical Devices (21 CFR 820), Pharmaceuticals (21 CFR 211), Tissue (21 CFR 1271). He also provides services to non-FDA Regulated Industries which include ISO 9001 Quality management systems – Requirements, ISO 14001 Environmental management systems, IATF 16949 Quality management systems - Particular requirements for automotive production and relevant service part organizations, ISO 45001 Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements with guidance for use, and ISO/IEC 17025 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. The company specializes in Quality Compliance, Quality Assurance, Quality Systems, and Quality Control.